2:29 PM |
Magnet |
Theme: Learning the world around us
1.1 Magnet can attract or repel each other
- Distribute bar magnets to groups. Direct pupils to place magnets 1"-2" apart, oriented so that they attract or repel.
- Ask pupils to predict what will occur when iron filings are poured on the paper over the area where the magnets reside.
- Pour iron filings on the paper. Pupils observe and record results.
- Pupils state the pole of magnet (North and south).
1.2 Handle magnets properly
- Teacher divides the students into 3- 4 groups.
- Teacher organizes simple quizzes. (the correct ways to handle magnets / how to handle magnets)
- Students competitive between each group.
- For instance, teacher can show a correct / incorrect way to keep the magnet and asks the students whether it is correct or not. If it is wrong, what should they do.
1.3 Magnets attract some materials
- Demonstrate the ability of the lodestone to attract. Ask for explanations. Discuss natural and manufactured magnets.
- Participants predict what will happen with sand. Record predictions.
- Distribute sand to groups and test.
- Groups report results.
- Draw inferences through brainstorming.
1.4 Different uses of magnets
- Ask participants how they might make a temporary magnet with a nail. Distribute nails and paper clips.
- Participants experiment until they get the nail to pick up paper clips (after rubbing one pole of magnet along the length of the nail).
- Participants provide explanation/reasoning and the different uses of magnet.
1.5 Magnets have different strengths
- Ask participants to explore moving the magnetic objects along the tabletop without touching. Participants explore by placing various types of magnets a distance from the objects and under the tabletop.
- Participants draw inferences from data through brainstorming.
- Students need to do a conclusion.