Monday, November 3, 2008

Hexagonal numbers

Name of Activity: Build Your Own Hexagon!
Objective: In the end of the lesson, students will be able to
  • identify the hexagonal numbers.
  • draw the regular hexagon in correct growing sequence on graph paper.
  • explain the pattern of hexagonal numbers.
Resources/Materials:Graph papers, carbon papers, manila card, red pen, pencil, string and scissor
Detailed description:
  1. Teacher refreshes the students’ prior knowledge toward shape of hexagon.
  2. Five of the students in class are required to draw the shape of hexagon on the blackboard.
  3. Teacher checks each drawing with the class to ensure every student can identify the hexagonal shape.
  4. Teacher distributes the students into pairs.
  5. Teacher provides each pair with four graph papers and three carbon papers.
  6. A manila card (table) is distributed to each pair.
  7. Teacher states instruction of the activity clearly:
    • Put five sheets of graph papers together.
    • Attach one carbon paper under each graph paper.
    • For the graph paper that placed on top, draw a dot using red pen at the centre of its left side.
    • The red dot will add as the centre for every hexagon.
    • Start sketching the first hexagon by adding and join several numbers of dots.
    • Repeat placing dots to draw four hexagons in a growing sequence.
    • Record and draw the amount of dots that needed for each hexagon.
    • Remove the carbon papers.
    • Cut and collect four sequences of hexagons from the graph papers. Cut only one size of hexagon from each graph paper.
    • Arrange the hexagons that have been cut in a growing order.
    • Make a hold on top of them and tie with a string.

  8. Every pair of students is required to show their product and present the hexagon numbers that filled in table.
  9. Teacher discusses the table together with students.
  10. Teacher evaluate the understanding of students toward the hexagon numbers by asking questions:
    • What can you notice from the hexagonal numbers in your table?
    • Does it show any pattern?
    • What is the number that comes along for the 7th hexagon?

  11. Students paste the hexagons with the table in the class.

Activity: Build Your Own Hexagon!

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